Pillar 3 : Perseverance

 Perseverance: The Key to Competitive Leadership

Perseverance is the ability to persist in pursuing a goal despite difficulties, delays, or opposition. It is the quality that separates the winners from the quitters. Perseverance is essential for competitive leadership because it enables you to:

  • Stay focused on your top-level goal and not get distracted by minor issues or temporary setbacks.
  • Learn from your mistakes and failures and use them as opportunities to improve and grow.
  • Adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to problems.
  • Demonstrate resilience and courage in the face of adversity and criticism.
  • Inspire and motivate others to follow your vision and join your cause.

Tips to Persevere as a Leader

Perseverance is not something that you are born with. It is a skill that you can develop and strengthen with practice. Here are some tips to help you persevere as a leader:

1. Identify your top-level goal

  • Define the desired outcome or result
  • Identify the main benefits or values of achieving it
  • Evaluate the feasibility and alignment with your resources and priorities
  • Refine and clarify your goal statement using SMART criteria

2.. Make the Pyramid of Goal 

  • Define your ultimate goal and why it matters to you
  • Break down your goal into smaller and measurable subgoals
  • Prioritize your subgoals and assign deadlines to each one
  • Track your progress and celebrate your achievements
  • Review your goal regularly and adjust your plan if needed

Making the Goal SMART

Making the goal SMART means making it Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

  • A specific goal is clear and well-defined, not vague or general.
  • A measurable goal has criteria to track progress and success, not just a yes or no answer.
  • An achievable goal is realistic and within your reach, not impossible or too easy.
  • A relevant goal aligns with your values and purpose, not someone else's or irrelevant to your situation.
  • A time-bound goal has a deadline or a timeframe, not an indefinite or too long period.

Bottom Line:

Perseverance is the hallmark of competitive leadership, fueling focus, learning, adaptability, resilience, and inspiration. To persevere, identify your top-level goal, build a goal pyramid, and ensure your objectives are SMART. It's a skill that can be honed, setting winners apart from quitters.

New :

We are doing a campaign to help those who are eager to learn more about what we learned during our course - FLY (Finding the Leader in You) by Competitiveness Mindset Institute this Friday, 2nd November 2023.
To join us and have a healthy discussion on the topic click the Google form below

Note:- We are not professionals to teach the course, we are a group of learners who attended the FLY course and now we are eager to exchange our ideas and cultivate a culture of Leadership.

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